What’s the Best Strategy for Reducing Drag in Competitive Open Water Swimmers?


Swimming is not merely a recreational sport. It’s a discipline that demands mastery of technique, power, endurance and, most importantly, a deep understanding of the physics that governs movement in water. Every stroke, every kick, and every body position can make the difference between the first and the last in a race. And one of the keys to mastering this sport lies in the ability to reduce and manage drag. As all swimmers will know, water is about 800 times denser than air, and so the drag created by water can seriously affect a swimmer’s speed. In today’s article, we will delve into this subject, examining the best strategies for reducing drag in competitive open water swimmers.

The Science Behind Drag

The term ‘drag’ may sound complex, but it is fairly straightforward to understand. Drag is the resistance experienced by any object moving through a fluid, in our case, a swimmer moving through water. It’s the force that every swimmer has to fight against in order to move forward. Drag in swimming is divided into three types: frictional, pressure (form) and wave (surface) drag.

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Frictional drag occurs due to the friction between the water and the swimmer’s body surface. It’s influenced by the swimmer’s skin texture, the nature of the swimsuit and the swimmer’s velocity. The faster the swimmer, the greater the frictional drag.

Pressure drag or form drag arises from the swimmer’s body shape. A streamlined body shape will encounter less resistance and experience less drag.

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Wave drag is the result of the swimmer’s body creating waves on the water surface. When the swimmer’s speed equals the speed of the waves created, wave drag is at its highest.

How Drag Affects Swimming Speed

Water, due to its high density and viscosity, creates a great deal of drag. Every movement that a swimmer makes in water generates some form of drag. This is why a swimmer’s speed is not just dependent on their strength and stamina, but also on their ability to efficiently overcome drag.

The greater the drag, the slower the swimmer. Thus, the ability to reduce drag can significantly enhance a swimmer’s speed. For instance, a 10% decrease in drag can theoretically improve a swimmer’s performance by around 3%.

It’s crucial to understand that reducing drag doesn’t necessarily mean eliminating it. Rather, it’s about managing it effectively. For example, the drag created by a swimmer’s kick can be used to their advantage to maintain balance and stability.

Techniques for Reducing Drag

While it is impossible to eliminate drag completely, there are techniques that swimmers can utilize to minimize it. Here are some of the most effective methods:

  • Body Position: Maintaining a streamlined body position reduces form drag. The body should be kept as flat and horizontal as possible, with the head in line with the body.

  • Stroke Technique: Efficient stroke technique can help to reduce all three types of drag. The swimmer should fully extend their arms in freestyle for maximum reach and keep their fingers close together to avoid creating unnecessary drag.

  • Kick: A well-executed kick can help keep the body position streamlined, thus reducing form drag.

  • Turning and Pushing Off: Swimmers should push off and turn underwater as much as possible, as this is where drag is minimized.

  • Suit and Cap: Wearing a well-fitted competition swimsuit and a swim cap decreases frictional drag.

Training for Drag Reduction

Reducing drag is not just about applying the correct techniques during the race, but also about incorporating these techniques into training. The goal is to make these strategies second nature, so that the body automatically assumes the most efficient position and movements during the race.

Swimmers can use drills to practice maintaining a streamlined body position, perfect their stroke technique and optimize their kick. For instance, one popular drill is the ‘superman glide’, where the swimmer pushes off from the wall in a streamlined position and glides underwater as far as possible.

Underwater video analysis can also be beneficial. This allows swimmers and coaches to scrutinize the swimmer’s technique and identify areas for improvement.

Remember, reducing drag is as much a science as it is an art. By comprehending the physics, implementing the right techniques, and incorporating them into your training, you can significantly improve your speed and performance in the water.

The Role of Equipment in Reducing Drag

As discussed, an essential aspect of reducing drag involves employing efficient swimming techniques. However, the swimmer’s equipment also plays a crucial role in minimizing drag. According to a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, swimwear design significantly influences a swimmer’s performance by altering the drag they experience (med doi).

Swim caps help in reducing the frontal drag caused by hair. High-quality caps made of silicone or latex create a smooth surface, decreasing the friction between the water and the swimmer’s head. According to a google scholar article, a swim cap can reduce up to 5% of the total body drag.

Swimsuits are critical equipment for competitive swimmers aiming to reduce drag. Advanced swimsuits use technology to mimic the streamlined, smooth skin of marine animals. They are designed to compress the body and reduce the water’s frictional resistance, leading to a decrease in drag power. Female swimmers derive particular benefits from these suits as they cover a larger body surface area and hence, provide an increased reduction in drag.

Racing goggles also contribute to reducing drag. They are designed to fit tightly against the swimmer’s face, minimizing water resistance. Optimal goggle selection is crucial for open water swimmers due to the variable light conditions they encounter.

Conclusion: The Art and Science of Reducing Drag

Successfully reducing drag in competitive open water swimmers involves mastering a complex interplay of physics, technique, and equipment. Studies indexed in doi pubmed have shown that understanding the science behind drag and implementing strategies to reduce it can make a significant impact on a swimmer’s speed and performance.

Swimmers must focus on maintaining a streamlined body position, optimizing their stroke technique and kick, and using efficient turning and pushing off strategies. Routine practice of these techniques in training drills will ensure they become second nature. The use of underwater video analysis can also provide invaluable insights into the swimmer’s techniques and areas requiring improvement.

The role of equipment in reducing drag cannot be overstated. From the swim cap and swimsuit to the goggles, every piece of equipment can contribute to decreasing drag and enabling the swimmer to move faster in the water.

Ultimately, the journey to reducing drag and improving performance is continuous, requiring consistent effort, training, and learning from resources like sports physiol, int sports, and sports med. It’s a blend of art and science, making swimming not just a physical pursuit but also an intellectual one. This dual nature is what makes swimming, particularly distance swimming in open water, such a unique and fascinating sport.